Connect the letters
Find the hidden words
Compete against the time
Complete the tasks
From the makers of Wordz
Find the hidden words, complete the tasks and win the game!
If you are looking for a free and brand new word game, Hextra Word Game is just for you!
HEXTRA is a word game in which you connect letters to find hidden words without lifting your finger and complete tasks within the given time, to reach the top of the tower
Compete with your friends
Player Progression System
Extended Dictionary
Advanced AI
Hubungkan huruf
Menemukan kata-kata yang tersembunyi
Bersaing waktu
Menyelesaikan tugas-tugas
Dari pembuat Wordz
Menemukan kata-kata tersembunyi, menyelesaikan tugas dan memenangkan pertandingan!
Jika Anda mencari permainan gratis dan merek kata baru, Hextra Firman Permainan ini hanya untuk Anda!
HEXTRA adalah permainan kata di mana Anda menghubungkan huruf untuk menemukan kata-kata tersembunyi tanpa mengangkat jari Anda dan menyelesaikan tugas dalam waktu tertentu, untuk mencapai puncak menara
Bersaing dengan teman
Player Sistem Progresi
diperpanjang Kamus
canggih AI
Connect the letters
Find the hidden words
Compete against the time
Complete the tasks
From the makers of Wordz
Find the hidden words, complete the tasks and win the game!
If you are looking for a free and brand new word game, Hextra Word Game is just for you!
HEXTRA is a word game in which you connect letters to find hidden words without lifting your finger and complete tasks within the given time, to reach the top of the tower
Compete with your friends
Player Progression System
Extended Dictionary
Advanced AI